Our History

Tapestry Community Church began when four families came together and desired to start a church in the Temple/Belton area. Their desire was to start a church that stood in the historic Baptist tradition and in the stream of the Reformed faith.  They desired to be a church that unashamedly held to the total inerrancy of Scripture and the complete sovereignty of God over all things, a church that is Christ-centered, God-exalting, and Spirit-dependent, a church that seeks to dig deep into God’s word in order to know Him fully and rightly.  They wanted to be a church that lived for the glory of Christ so that the world might see our joyous hope as we love God, love people, and reach the world with the gospel. 

The name, Tapestry Community Church, has its origins in three ideas.  First, the word tapestry was chosen because we believe the Church, like a tapestry, is a beautiful work of art put together by God with much patience, skill, and planning.  While the backside of a tapestry appears to have no discernible pattern and, to the untrained eye, seems to be quite a disaster, the front side of a tapestry is a magnificent masterpiece that brings much honor to its creator.  So also the Church, from a human point of view, seems to be nothing more than the bringing together of broken, battered, and sinful people, but to the eye of God is a masterpiece that brings much glory to her Creator.

We are a community church in that we welcome all in our community to visit and worship with us.  We encourage and welcome people of every ethnic, cultural, economic, and social background to join in our fellowship.  The word community also expresses our desire to reach into the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We desire to be the hands and feet of Christ as we endeavor to minister to the community in which God has placed us.

We are a church. We are a local gathering of professing Christians who are organized around our commitment to God’s word and the faithful administration of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We are not a perfect church (there is no such thing), but we are a church that trusts in and loves a perfect Savior. It is that Savior who died to purchase our forgiveness and who will one day return to make his home with us forever. As a church, we seek to be a faithful witness to the world of the beauty, goodness, and grace of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.